Welcome to Our Submissions and Media Releases Hub

The Belconnen Community Council (BCC) is actively involved in advocating for and representing the Belconnen community through various channels, including detailed submissions to government bodies and regular media releases. This hub is your go-to resource for accessing our extensive library of documents that highlight our efforts and initiatives in supporting and developing our community.

The BCC submission to the Hawker Woolworths consultation process. This submission was guided by our community engagement via our public meetings, social media, and a survey that we letterboxed to Hawker, Scullin, Page, and
Weetangera households.
Belconnen Community Council Welcomes Planning Act Amendments and Calls for Comprehensive Evaluation of the Outcomes-Based System
Northside Hospital a welcome investment for the Belconnen District
The BCC submission to the 2023-24 budget consultation advocating for a range of infrastructure, service and amenity improvements in the Belconnen District

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Your input is valuable to us. If you have issues or topics that you believe need attention, please contact us. Together, we can continue to make Belconnen a wonderful place to live, work, study and play.